德國年份:派彩把的鐘跳椅子秤。前一個星期后的時間來慶祝。在此期間,每個家庭必須放在一棵樅樹和樹,樹葉間系滿絹花,花如錦,春滿人間。德國在除夕午夜前的時刻,爬上椅子上,鐘聲一響,他們就跳下椅子,后重量后仰展示自己拒絕的禍害,跳入新年。孩子們組成樂隊,穿上新衣服,拿著口琴和手風琴,列隊在街上玩耍。成人攜帶彩旗,歌聲背后的吶喊來慶祝新年,德國的婦女在新年即興表演家庭題材的喜劇小品。 在農村地區(qū),在德國,新年風俗----“爬樹比賽,”男孩比賽沿著荒蕪的樹爬,第一個被稱為“新年英雄”,以示一種傳播,步步高升。德國人元旦還有穿新衣的習俗,他們認為新年新衣服,一切都如意;新年亂穿衣,全年不順利。此外,他們還會放幾片魚鱗錢包里面,因為尺度是新年吉祥物,表明財源滾滾,很多人還馬蹄釘在墻上,用來“趕走邪惡的惡魔?!?錢包把秤鐘聲響起跳椅子。前一個星期后的慶祝時間。在這期間,家家戶戶都要把一棵樅樹和樹木,留下一個部門滿絹花,這意味著花如錦,春滿人間。德國在除夕午夜前的那一刻,爬到椅子上,鐘聲響起,他們就跳下椅子,后重量后仰,以示甩去禍患,跳入新年。孩子們組成樂隊,穿上新衣服,拿著口琴和手風琴,列隊在街上玩耍。成人攜帶國旗,跟著吶喊唱歌,歡慶新年,德國的婦女在新年主題即興家庭喜劇小品。在德國的農村流傳新年的風俗----“登山比賽,”男孩沿著光禿禿的樹攀巖比賽中,第一個被稱為“新英雄”,以示步步高升。德國新年穿新衣的習俗,他們認為新年新衣服,一切都如意;新年亂穿衣并不順利。此外,他們會放幾片在錢包尺度,因為尺度是新年吉祥物,表明額外的現(xiàn)金,也有很多人馬蹄鐵釘在墻上,用來“驅動妖辟邪?!?農歷新的一年的起源,有基礎,也是豐富挑選的各種傳說可以追溯到幾千年之前,最有名的就是“年獸“的傳說?!蹦戢F“是一個殘酷可怕的野生動物,古時候的人相信”年獸“時,農歷除夕晚上可以出來吃人。 傳說“年獸”極懼怕紅色,火焰和爭吵混合聲音,紅紙貼在門的人,選擇晚上,火炬燃放炮燭,避免“年獸”。第二天清晨,“祝賀的”聲音在耳朵上,在空氣中不填寫空中擊敗“年獸”勝利與重生的喜悅。 中國版本:農歷新年的來源,有根據(jù),和豐富多彩的傳說可以追溯到幾千年,其中最有名的是“獸”的傳說。 “野獸”是一個殘忍兇猛的野獸,古代人相信,“野獸”會在除夕吃人。傳說“野獸”十分害怕紅色,火和嘈雜的聲音,人們在門上的紅紙,以及夜間點燃火炬,蠟燭大炮放電,以避免“野獸”。第二天早上,“恭喜”的聲音,空氣中彌漫的節(jié)拍“野獸”的勝利的喜悅和重生美國新年 300,000人統(tǒng)稱為“干杯”。除夕,聚集在美國拉斯維加斯舉行香檳約30000狂歡。拉斯維加斯市計劃在新年鐘聲敲響時,300萬人將共同慶祝2006年的到來。拉斯維加斯將打破他們的新年在2005年創(chuàng)造了293,000人,在相同的時間喝一杯吉尼斯世界紀錄。據(jù)高盛向市長說,今天晚上將是一個大明星演出,天鵝絨窗簾裝飾方。在2006年鐘聲敲響時,價值5000萬美元的煙花在天空中綻放。加州元旦慶典等特點,在新年來臨之際,玫瑰在街上擺著幾十個汽車攜帶鮮花裝飾的年輕姑娘,穿著禮服慢慢的彩車。人們會在節(jié)日期間選出,然后公主玫瑰皇后和玫瑰,在欣賞迎來新年 30萬集體“干杯。”除夕,在美國,大約三萬端著香檳的狂歡者聚集在拉斯維加斯。拉斯維加斯市計劃在新年鐘聲敲響時,三萬人舉杯一起慶祝2006年的到來。拉斯維加斯將打破他們在2005年的新年,而293,000人敬酒創(chuàng)造了吉尼斯世界紀錄。據(jù)市長戈德曼說,今晚將是一個大明星演出,天鵝絨窗簾裝飾方。 2006年鐘聲敲響時,價值$ 500,000的煙花在天空中綻放。在加利福尼亞州的元旦慶?;顒記]有的特點,新年來臨之際,大街小巷到處都擺著玫瑰花,幾十輛運載鮮花裝飾花車的年輕女孩穿著打扮緩慢及以上。人們會在節(jié)日期間選出當年的玫瑰皇后和玫瑰公主,在新年迎來了升值巴西新年巴西,尋找一個快樂的新年,以滿足登山者揪耳朵。新年的鐘聲響起,的巴西控股火把,蜂擁登山,他們爭先恐后地尋找象征著幸福金華水果,這一活動被稱為“找到幸福?!庇腥苏f,只有公牛牛角的人,要找到這種罕見的水果。在農村,有一個獨特的新年習俗-----耳互相拉扯,人們?yōu)闈M足元旦,我們將大力揪住對方的耳朵,祝福。法國新年:醉酒在家藏藏酒量酒精醉在家卜年風力風卜年。朝鮮新年:稻草人中塞鈔票,黃昏燒頭發(fā),像中國,韓國和我們在新年發(fā)布的酒吧和傅濤制服的海關登山尋求幸福滿足揪耳朵。新年鐘聲敲響,的巴西控股火把,蜂擁登山,他們爭先恐后地尋找幸福的象征,金色的樺木果,這個活動被稱為“找到幸福?!庇腥苏f,只有危險的人,要找到這種罕見的水果。在農村,有一個獨特的新年習俗-----相互揪耳朵,人們在元旦見面時,將很難搶下對方的耳朵,表示祝福。法國年份:醉醉風補補年家庭酒窖風家酒窖一年。韓國新年:稻草人塞浦路斯紙幣黃昏燒頭發(fā)的韓國和我們中國一樣,也貼窗花,在新年,春節(jié)的統(tǒng)一海關英語新年英國英國新年蛋糕和酒帶出定期拜訪,他們不敲門,就徑直走進親友。據(jù)英國風俗,除夕千夜后向前邁進第一只腳的人的房子,預示著新一年的運氣。如果第一個客人是個黑發(fā)的男人,還是一個快樂,幸福和富裕的人,主人會是幸運的,走好運一年四季。如果第一個客人是淺黃色的頭發(fā)和一個女人,或者一個可悲的,可憐的,不幸的人,主人在新的一年將是運氣不好。賈作騍除夕誰不說之前,我們必須首先去撥弄壁爐的火,祝福主人“開門下來的親戚和朋友?!庇私洺3鋈У案夂途疲麄儾磺瞄T,就徑直走進了親戚。由英國習俗,除夕千夜后,第一腳邁進房子預示著新的一年運氣。如果第一個客人是一個黑人,或幸福,快樂,富裕的人,主人會是幸運的好運氣,貫穿全年。如果第一個客人是一個淡黃色頭發(fā)的女人,還是一個可悲的,可憐的,不幸的人,主人在新的一年將一直運氣不好。除夕來看望親戚和朋友誰不說在前面,想要去撥弄壁爐的火,祝福主人“開門?!?/p>
The maldives custom tabooMaldivians polite and etiquette. When they meet each other's hand hold. Maldivians simplicity and hospitable. Friend home, master will take home is the best food to entertain guests. Maldivians with Islam is the state religion, there are many religious traditions, such as alcohol, fasting pork, daily prayer five inferior.British customBritish people all the rules. Their car driving direction and other European countries. Based on the English speakers will be conceited, besides English, British people won't speak other languages.German customsThe germans, there is a genuine efficient reputation. Germany's personal relationship is very negotiators serious. In all cases used to wear a suit (don't hand in his pocket, it is considered rude performance). Gift to personally, even in the name of the company.Italian customItalian people less than the germans, and gives some stereotypes in passion. But in dealing with business often don't move feeling, make decisions, and not slow to consult with aides, but unwilling to rush.Spanish customsSpanish emphasis on individual credibility, would rather suffer some loss is not willing to publicly admitted mistakes. If you think they are in agreement was accidentally lost to help them, then permanently win their trust and friendship.Singapore custom tabooSingapore is a multi-racial country and many religions, therefore, should pay attention to respect the different racial and religious people's habits and customs. Such as, visiting mosques must take off shoe, can enter lady wearing shorts or exposure skirt, nor enter the prayer hallSouth Korean custom tabooSocial etiquetteSouth Korean people advocate Confucianism, respect the elders, when everybody to elderly house stood up and asked them well. And when talking to elderly picked sunglasses. After morning and greeting to parents, Parents and children will go back to meet others to eat. When the bus, gives his seat to old people. Pick up. When having a meal for the elderly or elders should start serving shengfan, old man, others move chopsticks to eat. When the bus, gives his seat to old people.Korean traditional etiquette is met the bow, junior, lower when walking elder or higher, should meet and greet, bowing stood, its first, as a mark of respect. Between man and his greeting each other bow handshake, shake hands, or use or left, and only once. Bow in business etiquette in use. And south Korean officials deal with general can shake or gently nod your head. Women generally don't shake hands with people.In the social collective and dinner, and separate socially, even at home or in restaurants.In South Korea, if someone invites you for dinner, you eat or home should bring small gifts, had better choose packaged food. Starting with toast, the right hand beer bottles, TuoPing left, then again finally bowing to remarks, poured wine, and for three cups. People should put his toast glasses were low, with some of his cup to each other's cup rim. And again after drunk a nod to leave. As a guest, master not let you visit the whole house, not his everywhere around. You should leave, master walk you to the door to door, then, even say good-bye.Korean hands after gifts in front of the guests, but not face open. Not send to Korean foreign cigarettes. Wine is the best gift to send Korean men, but cannot send wine to women, unless you this wine is for her husband. In giving gifts should pay attention to the south koreans, Korean men like famous textile, tie, lighter, electric razor. Women like cosmetic bag, scarf, gloves, such items and the kitchen with seasoning. Children like the food. If you send money, should be in an envelope.If you have visited must agreement in advance. Korean attaches great importance to the reception and dinner exchanges in the hotel bar commonly held little madam, or present.no-noGovernment regulation, South Korea's national anthem and flag, citizens of royal must respect. Not only radio broadcast movie and the national anthem, the timing is put before the screening performance shall stand up the national anthem, the audience. Foreigners in the place such as performance, can be considered too shabby in South Korea is the ungodly.Korean taboo. Holiday when they meet each other, cannot say unlucky, more can't angry, fight. Lunar month first three garbage, sweeping, not more cannot kill chickens slaughtered pigs. HanShiJie avoid fire. Animals are arranged marriage, avoid thinking gram one-day. Fishermen eat fish because of envy, not turn capsized. Avoid to someone's house, or two nails JieYuan after death. When eating with your hat, or avoid lifelong poor. When sleeping, otherwise read book avoid pillow. Avoid death in the dog, otherwise will die in three years.With the seniors, with sitting posture to correct. Because of the Korean table is short legs, put on, DeHang onto dinner, BinZhu should be sitting cross-legged on the ground. If the elders sitting on his knees before should be on foot motherboard, no matter who, absolutely cannot take double leg unbend or opened, otherwise you'll be considered impolite or insult people. End ask permission before, not in the superior, the elder, not to smoke before the lend fire or - pitched battles raged between. Don't make noise when eating, does not talk. Enter family homes or Korean restaurant should take off your shoes. In the streets to eat, and in the sight of men, are biow considered rude.In South Korea, north Korea do not mention "dirty", also don't say ", "city" in Seoul, South Korea. Photography in strict, military facilities, airports, reservoir, subway, national museum and places of entertainment are forbidden in the air as object, and the high-rise buildings in the forbidden pictures are also listed.馬爾代夫風俗禁忌 馬爾代夫人講禮貌,重禮節(jié)。他們相見時互相拉住對方的手問好。馬爾代夫人純樸、好客。朋友到家,主人會拿出家里最好的食物款待客人。馬爾代夫人以伊斯蘭教為國教,有許多宗教習俗,如禁酒、禁食豬肉、每天禱告五次等。 英國風俗習慣 英國人凡事都循規(guī)蹈矩。他們的汽車行駛方向和歐洲其他國家正好相反。基于將英語作為母語的自負,除了英語外,英國人不會講其他語言。 德國風俗 德國人,有一種名副其實的講究效率的聲譽。德國談判者的個人關系是很嚴肅的。要習慣于在所有場合下穿一套西裝(不要將手放在口袋里,這被認為是無理的表現(xiàn))。饋贈要針對個人,即使是以公司的名義。 意大利風俗習慣 意大利人比德國人少一些刻板,比法國人多一些熱情。但在處理商務時通常不動感情,做出決策較慢,并不是為了同幕僚商量,而是不愿倉促表態(tài)。 西班牙風俗 西班牙人強調個人信譽,寧愿受點損失也不愿公開承認失誤。如果你認為他們在協(xié)議中無意受到了損失而幫助他們,那么便永久地贏得了他們的友誼和信任。 新加坡風俗禁忌 新加坡是一個多元種族和多種宗教信仰的國家,因此,要注意尊重不同種族和不同宗教信仰人士的風俗習慣。如,參觀清真寺必須脫帽脫鞋進入,女士不能穿短褲或暴露的裙子,也不可進入禱告大廳 韓國風俗禁忌 社交禮儀 韓國人崇尚儒教,尊重長老,長者進屋時大家都要起立,問他們高壽。和長者談話時要摘去墨鏡。早晨起床和飯后都要向父母問安;父母外出回來,子女都要迎他人才能吃。乘車時,要讓位給老年人。接。吃飯時應先為老人或長輩盛飯上菜,老人動筷后,其他人才能吃。乘車時,要讓位給老年人。 韓國人見面時的傳統(tǒng)禮節(jié)是鞠躬,晚輩、下級走路時遇到長輩或上級,應鞠躬、問候,站在一旁,計其先行,以示敬意。男人之間見面打招呼互相鞠躬并握手,握手時或用雙手,或用左手,并只限于點一次頭。鞠躬禮節(jié)一般在生意人中不使用。和韓國官員打交道一般可以握手或是輕輕點一下頭。女人一般不與人握手。 在社會集體和宴會中,男女分開進行社交活動,甚至在家里或在餐館里都是如此。 在韓國,如有人邀請你到家吃飯或赴宴,你應帶小禮品,最好挑選包裝好的食品。席間敬酒時,要用右手拿酒瓶,左手托瓶底,然后鞠躬致祝辭,最后再倒酒,且要一連三杯。敬酒人應把自己的酒杯舉得低一些,用自己杯子的杯沿去碰對方的杯身。敬完酒后再鞠個躬才能離開。做客時,主人不會讓你參觀房子的全貌,不要自己到處逛。你要離去時,主人送你到門口,甚至送到門外,然后說再見。 韓國人用雙手接禮物,但不會當著客人的面打開。不宜送外國香煙給韓國友人。酒是送韓國男人最好的禮品,但不能送酒給婦女,除非你說清楚這酒是送給她丈夫的。在贈送韓國人禮品時應注意,韓國男性多喜歡名牌紡織品、領帶、打火機、電動剃須刀等。女性喜歡化妝品、提包、手套、圍巾類物品和廚房里用的調料。孩子則喜歡食品。如果送錢,應放在信封內。 若有拜訪必須預先約定。韓國人很重視交往中的接待,宴請一般在飯店或酒吧舉行,夫人很少在場。 禁忌 政府規(guī)定,韓國公民對國旗、國歌、國花必須敬重。不但電臺定時播出國歌,而且影劇院放映演出前也放國歌,觀眾須起立。外國人在上述場所如表現(xiàn)過分怠慢,會被認為是對韓國和韓族的不敬。 韓國人禁忌頗多。逢年過節(jié)相互見面時,不能說不吉利的話,更不能生氣、吵架。農歷正月頭三天不能倒垃圾、掃地,更不能殺雞宰豬。寒食節(jié)忌生火。生肖相克思婚姻,婚期忌單日。漁民吃魚不許翻面,因忌翻船。忌到別人家里剪指甲,否則兩家死后結冤。吃飯時忌帶帽子,否則終身受窮。睡覺時忌枕書,否則讀無成。忌殺正月里生的狗,否則三年內必死無疑。 與年長者同坐時,坐姿要端正。由于韓國人的餐桌是矮腿小桌,放在地炕上,用餐時,賓主都應席地盤腿而坐。若是在長輩面前應跪坐在自己的腳底板上,無論是誰,絕對不能把雙腿伸直或叉開,否則會被認為是不懂禮貌或侮辱人。末征得同意前,不能在上級、長輩面前抽煙,不能向其借火或接火。吃飯時不要隨便發(fā)出聲響,更不許交談。進入家庭住宅或韓式飯店應脫鞋。在大街上吃東西、在人面前擤鼻涕,都被認為是粗魯?shù)摹? 在韓國人面前,切勿提"朝鮮”三字,也不要把"漢城說成"京城"。照相在韓國受到嚴格限制,軍事設施、機場、水庫、地鐵、國立博物館以及娛樂場所都是禁照對象,在空中和高層建筑拍照也都在被禁之列。